Tuesday, 10 December 2013


My production schedule that plans my project work week by week up to the submission deadline is really great for me. What is included with this week by week guide is me researching into more and different photographers, gaining stories from individuals who have suffered even if that's via a blog or website or even social network, I want to be able to gain more understanding of the topic and by looking at stories and photographers my development of this particular subject will become greater.

Also being included in my week by week production schedule is taking more images of Self Harming and keep creating new ideas which I am going to be putting forward. I want to be able to set up an interview with my house mate who suffered from Self Harming, but I may document her everyday life in an interview seeing if she is okay and asking her if its still a struggle for her, but I am going to ask her before hand if she feels comfortable if she isn't then I will stick to just the interview but I may spread the interview over a couple of days to get a real understanding of what she was going through.

Once I have taken my photographs I will then be uploading them on to Flickr to be able to see them blown up and see if I need to change anything about the images and if so then I can go back and re take them and get them to a better standard. As I said at the beginning I want to develop my understanding of this particular topic but not only through stories and photographers but also look at individuals who are not professional photographers but have a passion for it because I feel this would help me gain confidence in my photography and push me to develop amazing photographs as these individuals.

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