Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Self Harm - interview with my subject. - Idea

I have currently under gone an interview with my subject who has gone through Self Harming herself, I thought that by doing an interview I would be able to get an understanding in her mind of what she went through while she was Self Harming. Not only was I able to get an understanding of how she felt but when it comes to my final image I am able to listen back to the interview and portray what she is saying through pictures so an audience can see what she is going through.

Within the interview I asked the question 'why did you start to self harm' and I just let her explain, I didn't want her to think that I was being to nosey I wanted her to be comfortable with telling me about her experience so I thought if I let her just explain to me what happened she would be open and more comfortable to just speak about it without being cut off and having to move on quickly.

Throughout the interview she opened up how she Self Harmed due to putting on weight and not feeling great about herself and because of that she tend to eat more and more because she was in that frame of mind. She also opened up about her brother, he is 5 years older than her and he went through a lot growing up which she had to witness and something which sticks out for her is the fact that he abused alcohol and became an alcoholic, she Self Harmed because of that she didn't know how to deal with it and her way out was to Self Harm, and another time which she thought would be the last time was when she saw her mum going through adultery with another man and not her dad which was to her 'the most heartbreaking time' she said that her and her mum had many arguments over it and she didn't know how to approach the subject to anyone as her brother was going through his troubles, her mum was going through hers and her dad was trying to just get the family back together so her only escape was to harm herself and cause herself pain instead of hurting and breaking her family when they had so much going on already.

She thought that she had stopped Self Harming but when she came to University in September for 1st year thats when it started again, she reason why she Self Harmed in 1st year of University was because it was a new place for her and she couldn't get to grips with everything going on around her it was a new experience for her and it took a lot for her to get used to.

I then asked her in the interview 'do you think that people should get help if they need it' and she replied by saying that it depends on the individual, everyone who Self Harms is different in so many ways and sometimes it is harder to explain what is happening to you, she then went on to say it is easier for someone who is not Self Harming to say you need help and support and try and get back on track which I do agree with her and it is the same with an addiction you can only ask for help if you want help yourself others there is no point in asking for help if your just going to go back to what you were like before. 

Thankfully now she hasn't Self Harmed since 1st year of University so hopefully she has over come that stage of her life and is moving on but she will always have that support from friends if she needs them. 

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