Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Self Harm - Ideas

This photographer which I have now researched is Marie Mystery. Her photography is touching upon Self Harming.

One image that stood out for me was a girl that had her arms up and on her arms wrote ' I hurt myself, so you can't', this image could be seen at in a lot of different ways, the view I'm looking at it from is yes someone who hurting her feelings but she is the one who is then hurting herself so being the attacker. I do feel the message ' I hurt myself, so you can't ' could possibly relate to a lot of Self Harming victims due to there is always something which is going on behind the scenes for them to Self Harm and cause pain to themselves.

I do feel that this victim v attacker is something which should be approached when it comes to Self Harming because yes they are the victim but they are causing that pain on themselves so are becoming the attacker once that knife or whatever equipment they are using touches their skin they are attacking themselves.


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