Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Everyday Life Struggles - WORK IN PROGRESS

Homeless Big Issue man: A lot of people struggle through life and homeless people are just a minority of people. This homeless guy who I have taken a photo of is trying to better his life by working as a big issue man, he told me that he doesn't want to go back to being homeless and living on the streets like before hand, he said he used to be on drugs and was just a right state ( his own words ) this is a typical struggle which many people go through daily, there isn't that much support out there for individuals who are on drugs or are homeless, I feel that someone who is selling a big issue and trying to better themselves is a positive outlook.

I have titled this work in progress due to me editing it. I have decided to edit this photo into black and white the reason behind doing the black and white effect was because black is a form of elegance, mystery but also dark and death, black is also associated with fear and the unknown, where as white contrasted the black due to white connotations representing purity, innocence, safety
and cleanliness. I feel this will work well with my photos due to majority of them bringing in this element of darkness but then the white connotations as there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

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